
It has been a real challenge to reverse- engineer that Kaleidoscope. I am 80% finished at this point. I set a Dec. 1st deadline to complete them. The build should start on Dec.15. Here is the deal. If there is anyone wishing to build along with me I will make copies of my prints available to you. Just send me an address to get them to.

"Billy G"
Hey Marine,

That thing is going to be totally awesome! I for one will be looking forward to seeing you do the build!

Thank-you. As of now the only parts left to draw up are for the driving of the nose. I worked all day on the print of the chain drive. It's a done deal. Driving sprocket has 12 teeth. The upper driven sprocket has 18 teeth. It will be a 25 pitch wooden roller chain.

"Billy G" :))
This was completed yeaterday (prints). #1 track run of the chain. #2 4X size of 25 pitch chain. It will be normal sizs whan fabricated. #3 2Z size sprockets #4 Reduces to normal. I am going to try different ratios to get slowest speed.

Today I'm taking a break and gonna watch what you guys are up to.

"Billy G" :thinking:

spd 001 (700 x 525).jpg spd 002 (700 x 525).jpg spd 003 (700 x 525).jpg spd 004 (700 x 525).jpg
The prints are finished, all 31 sheets. Now to proof read them and correct any errors.

"Billy G" :))
All is OK with the prints. I need to get one more bearing and we can start. 3.00 OD X 2.500 ID X .250 W. They are easy to get. Should be able to dtart next week.

"Billy G"
The kaleidoscope is a beautiful piece of work. What type of wood is it made of? Will you change any of it in the next one? You've got the patience of Job to do the reverse engineering on the next one. Seems you don't have a preference between wood and metal. Your projects always have a professional and artistic appearance.
Dick -- The one I made for my wife is Cherry and Maple. The new one is undecided but I am leaning toward Claro Walnut. Thank you for the compliments.

"Billy G" :))

My buddy Eric says to go with Stainless Steel and Brass with an Aluminum Tripod.
wow, that is a remarkable piece, far nicer than the one in the plans link... I want to make one !