Jet-16 Mill Drill

I have a Jet 16 in the EAA chapter hangar and just wired it up. Runs great but needs to be refurbished. I was wondering if you could copy your manuals (operating/parts). Let me know costs and I can use Paypal.

I've got a jet of the same vintage and about the only thing I don't like is the lack of a power feed. You did good getting one with yours. Mine is also a mt3. Yours should be a Tiawan made unit which from what I hear is better than the later ones from somewhere else (China maybe).

If I'm not mistaken, I have a pdf of the manual somewhere but it's a little light. I'd be happy to email it to anyone if I can find it. A nice clear printed one would be better but I had nothing so it was great at the time.
The only real limitations of your mill are there aren't any. Lots of things can be built with your mill. If your good there are no limits to what you can do with it. I'd say it's probably Taiwan made , which usually means it's better then the China models. Good luck with your great deal , you did very well. Pics need pics
Mine is also an MT3, another garage sale $750 special w/ a box of tooling, mostly cutters. Took a while, as we moved in the meantime, but finally got it set up on a rolling table. I've just finished converting to CNC w/ chinese ballscrews, arduino GRBL. X backlash is now .0025", Y is .005" , quill is to be measured, but probably will need work. Here it is under conversion.IMG_20180412_085236.jpg
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