It's all I can stands can't stands no more

That's splitting hairs. A design & all that entails is tangible.

You can't touch an idea. It is an established principle in US law that patent or copyright infringement is not theft. Patent infringement is never a crime at all: just a tort.
One day few yrs ago I needed some end mills. So I ran over to Wholesale Tools (on my street). Odd enough a big sale going on, so I couldnt
resist a AXA complete kit for like 70 bucks. I know its china and a piston. Nothing to lose. Nowing me I covered up made in China with tape.
My thought was If I like the thing I'd buy a real one. Till this day its still there and we really use this lathe. I got no complaints. And low in behold
the sale was because they were closing the place. What a shame only place around to buy HSS blanks put in a bag and weigh it end mills too.
bins of drip oilers 5 bucks. What I'm trying to say is like > putting synthetic oil or radial tires on a Model T aint going to make it run better.
In conclusion dont throw the lantern away or what you now have, some day it will have a place.

edit; If you do go quick change you will have to modify the Tee nut they are usually are universal that has to be tweeked.
hope this help ya I am satisfied ...
You can't touch an idea. It is an established principle in US law that patent or copyright infringement is not theft. Patent infringement is never a crime at all: just a tort.

Again, splitting hairs. You can't touch an idea but you can touch an existing product. At the point you reverse engineer an existing product, reproduce it exactly (quality not withstanding) & sell it as your own, then a theft has occurred. Why it is not prosecuted as such is beyond me. A US company would receive a cease & desist order from the company lawyers so fast it would make their heads swim if they adopted the above described business model.
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Guys, it would be best if an argument about patent law not develop ANY further. Not on topic, and violates our ToS.
You can't touch an idea. It is an established principle in US law that patent or copyright infringement is not theft. Patent infringement is never a crime at all: just a tort.

It is well understood in our agreement to participate in this forum that we will respect © and patents. You may feel differently but we have that policy.

It is funny how thing work out. I went over to a friends shop to get something and told him about QCTP deal . He had a friend give him a brand new one for his small lathe. He had not messed with it yet. We checked it out and it was to big for his lathe it is a 8in swing. The QCTP is a BXA. So I took it home and put it on my southbend 10L and so far so good. I ordered him a AXA QCTP for his lathe. Thanks for ALL THE HELP. Now I need info on the QCTH for my Bridgeport but I will start another Thread about that.