Is there a downloadable chart for fine metric thread dimensions that is free?

Try Beautiful Soup for untangling the table from HTML, might have more success than rolling your own with regex.
@Lo-Fi thanks for the recommendation. Saw beautiful soup in a python meeting once. I'll see if I can make heads or tails of it. I did a lot of scientific (simulations) programming, in days past, but practically no web stuff, no scraping, not much text parsing. I just want to get the table done, so I can back to making things.
It's fairly straightforward, IIRC, was messing with it a few weeks ago.

Isn't it lovely being able to code! Opens up so many possibilities.
There are several apps for the smart phone that have all the thread dimensions and more. Some are free.
There are several apps for the smart phone that have all the thread dimensions and more. Some are free.
There's free and really free with no strings attached. My spreadsheet shouldn't be a potential attack vector, unlike a "free" app might be. There's lots of apps (free or not) that turn out to just be the means to spread malware, spy on you, take your data, or to steal credentials. You are the product to the app, and all they want is your data. That's the price one is paying, so it isn't truly free. The one "free" app I have works, but something about it bothers me. The interface is not intuitive to me, and I have an vague uneasy feeling about it. Sometimes you have to listen to that little voice inside. I may delete it soon. I'm not paranoid about it, but, this is the world we are in, so I don't want to be naive about data security risks either.

Most of the data is parsed. Having a problem with some regex substitute commands. It's behaving syntactically differently than other commands in the library. I'll figure it out. In the meantime I can always manually edit the file. In 24-32 hours it would be done. Of course, I don't want to spend 24 hours on this, because it is spectacularly boring, which is why I have written a program to do it.
Done. Got help on the regex substitution. Good thing, as I never would have stumbled across the answer myself!
# data (Python3)
# r1 = ['M18 x 0.50.5, 4g6g,', ' 17.98017.87417.65517.59917.43917.291']  # this was the preprocessed input
r2 = re.sub(r'(\.)(\d{3,3})', r'\1\2, ', r1[1])[:-3] +'\n'
# r2 = ' 17.980, 17.874, 17.655, 17.599, 17.439, 17.291\n'   # output of above line
That's obvious, right? Add a comma and space after every 3 digits following a decimal point and truncate the last three characters and add a LF.
Anyways, that was my major issue, and the cryptic answer.

Did some minor cleanup and have a text file, which is easily imported into libreoffice or excel for further manipulation or making pretty. Hope it is useful to someone else.

