Interesting post on penetrating oils

In my experience liquid wrench is like urinating on it… (don't work)

I have used kroil, crc 556, PB, and many others that I cannot even remember. What I have found that works the best for me in every situation I have ever had is ZEP-45, it is expensive. I think I paid 11 bucks per 16oz can. It is worth every penny spent.

I tried the atf/acetone… it will clean your hands…. that's about it.
In my experience nothing beats the kroil products. I was removing rusted on rollforming dies from about 20 4" diameter shafts and not making much progress with Liquid Wrench and a sledge hammer. We left a bunch of the shafts standing upright against a bench over a weekend after dousing them with L.W. Monday morning the rolls still didn't want to move. We had ordered Kroil on Friday and the UPS man brought it just before our morning break. We wiped off the Liquid Wrench and squirted on the Kroil. After break I banged once on a set of rolls and they came flying off the shaft, I'm lucky I didn't break my toes. If Kano Labs needed door to door salesmen I'd sign up today. I buy it in the gallon cans and use it in a one quart pressurized sprayer. It is a little pricey but you don't need much.
I know a very seasoned machinist who showed me a trick and i still use it to this day.If you got something corroded rusted been out in the weather for years try brake fluid it has worked for me. the brake fluid is thin and really gets down in there. I also use the other products wd pb ect.
