Inherited Oxy Acetylene Tanks


Active User
Jul 6, 2012
A few years ago when my grandfather passed away I inherited some Oxy Acetylene tanks that still had gas in them. My grandmother recalls that he had rented them from someplace but we couldn't find any paperwork to find out where from. I've since moved to another state and took them with me. I don't use my torch that often so I have no idea when I might need to get them filled.

I've been reading some other posts about purchasing tanks and all the headaches that come with them. If I take these to my local bottled gas place will they assume these are stolen or otherwise ill-gotten since I have no paperwork?

I was hoping they would exchange them, but now I'm wondering if they even did that would I be required to pay for a pressure test since I'm sure it's been many years since they've been tested.
Read the numbers stamped on the tank.In my state the rental tanks have the company name stamped on them. You will also find the date of the last hydro test,.I think it's every ten years between tests.
Best bet is to call arround And ask about there policy on refills.
The apperance of the tank is what counts. No heavy rust or dents.And be sure the safety cap is on to transport.
Down here in florida owner tanks are just swapped out for full ones.
*********Just Saying*****************Gator***************
i'm going to echo the Gator
my local guy will either exchange of refill tanks. he exchanges his tanks and refills the other ones.
Years ago most people like your grandfather entered into a 100 year lease basicaly you bought them it was a way to get around some places not allowing you to own your own tanks..And that is probably why she cannot find the papers it was a one off transaction if you took them to a welding company and told them you wanted them filled they would probably just exchange them without a second thought and they would test them later.. Ray
Thanks everyone for that info. I ran out of Argon/C02 for my mig welder so I'll be heading up to my gas shop this weekend. I'll ask them what their policy is on this.
If your current supplier doesn't have a friendly policy for your tanks be sure to call around, and as a last resort check your local Tractor Supply store for their tanks...TS was a little high on their gases but they were pretty liberal with their policy on accepting exchange tanks. They sell a proprietary brand of exchange tanks, with weird tank colors.. and are nationwide.
Here in Maine you can't own tanks larger than those that come about knee high. 30# I think. The larger tanks must be leased.That is due to tanks having to be hydro tested like someone mentioned. I've known guys that have had tanks for 20 years and never saw anyone come get there tanks to be hydro tested.
Just reread your 1st post. If you don't use your torch much back out the regulator screws so there is no pressure on the diaphragm. They will last a lot longer that way.
*************Just Saying****************Gator*************:eek:uch:
A while back I came into possession of a CO2 cylinder of questionable heritage. I feel like it was leased, but years ago. Anyway, I took it to Matheson and explained to them that the last company I knew that possessed it no longer existed, and I didn't know one way or the other about customer owned, or leased. After a little friendly banter, I left with a fresh customer owned CO2 cylinder. Sometimes it works out that if you just tell the tale straight up, it works out. Saved me having to buy a second cylinder, anyway.
Well I guess my local guy is a little more "by the book" than I was hoping. He told me about the old 100 year lease thing but noted that was done away with years ago. He said legally, private individuals are not allowed to own these tanks. He said that there should be some markings on the tank stating who they belong to and I need to take them back to them, if I want to get them refilled. I asked what if they are out of business... he responded, another company will have bought their tanks/leases and you will need to go back to them.

Looks like I might be finding another place willing to fill these when they are empty.