Impressed or Concerned about this build?

Little kids running around with all the fiberglass (not carbon fiber as stated) particles in the air- smooth move ex-lax
yep, Carbon fiber nothing black there, only FG.
That dirt must have weighed a ton, I was expecting him to pull a female mold from the FG, but nope, he left it intact.
Not going to be one that I want to ride around in.
With that differential it sure won't have Lambo power output. Impressive none the less, considering the tools at his disposal.

Considering he is using a 1 cylinder motorcycle engine I don't think it will be going any where fast. This leaves me with the impression that he skillfully accomplished his vision of building a show piece. So I will give him a big thumbs up!
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I noticed the lack of a welding helmet, or safety glasses while squinting during grinding/cutting.
I gotta figure the mask (breathing) was the only thing he thought was worth protecting.
It's talented given the tools/ resources. But it's still a **** box drive train and power wise.
Yeah, again, imagine what this guy could do with the proper equipment.
Accidentally came across this video earlier and I can not decide whether I am impressed, concerned or a mix of both....

Both… much as I hate being around most dust I hate fiberglass the most. The whole process is horrible and toxic. Especially the dust. I found myself holding my breath watching that. Not to mention no welding helmet and sandals!
Thank you
Little kids running around with all the fiberglass (not carbon fiber as stated) particles in the air- smooth move ex-lax
SMOOTH MOVE EX-LAX, LMAO I haven't heard that in decades, it has to be one of the nicest ways to say xxxxxxx.
Thank you for the memories
LOL silly stuff- I have to give the guy credit he sure does good craft work by hand, got a good eye for line and dimension
Needs to be more health/safety-conscious
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