Thanks Steve, I actually have no issue running Mach3 in windows10 and I also am using the Smart screen, screen set for Mach. I didn't have any issue hooking up the Smooth stepper or so it seems as I pinged it and got a signal that it was connected. I am just having an issue with the C11g breakout board and it would seem it may have been do to me not realizing I was getting a double feed of 5vDC, not sure as of yet. I am pretty sure the new C11g BOB is fried and I ordered another one. Do you have any experience with this board or with wiring it? Or can you be of any assistance?windows 10 does not make a 32 bit version, does it ?
mach3 will not run on a 64bit system as far as I know.
I have had good luck with windows 7 32 bit and mach3.
you should not run: firewalls, antivirus, internet or anything that can block the communication to the board.
I know nothing about smooth stepper, people were having setup and support problems from the company so I avoided them.
I only have one mach3 machine left due to so many problems and the fact mach3 wont run on 64 bit. the old computers are getting hard to find.
mach3 version ending in 57 is the one i use 66 is junk. mach3 stinks on a lathe too fussy.
I'm installing Centroid Acorn boards now and they come with their own software and a tech support forum. wiring diagrams for about anything.
This is my latest acorn project:Acorn CNC controller, Step and Direction 4 axis CNC Control board with ethernet communication.DIY CNC kit
Acorn Do-it-Yourself CNC control board for Mills,Lathes,Routers,and other Machine tools. Mach3 replacement CNC controls for new machine tools as well as Retrofits for older NC
I have had very good luck with them and its easier to setup and install.11 x 26 Conversion With Centroid Acorn control and closed loop steppers
my lathe was a Wholesale Tools 11 x 26 very similar to the G0602 Grizzly shown but bigger ( 10x22 ) Another build in pictures. I have been collecting parts for a while now and have finally started to make the required parts to convert my
this is not an add I'm just stating the changes I have made.
Thanks Mark