I took a 10 minute break

Well I just looked at Graham Packaging website and see what they are paying. Shocked to see how low the wages are. Discount Tire Shop here pays more.
I’m only listening to Classic Country WBRF 98.1 and this meme sums up the station pretty well:

Well I just looked at Graham Packaging website and see what they are paying. Shocked to see how low the wages are. Discount Tire Shop here pays more.

Yeah we have a local place that does CNC and welding that was advertising openings. I pondered the idea of part time work for the experience.
Their entry jobs pay significantly less than the local fast food places are advertising, and they expect people to work at least 50 hours a week.

Good luck with that. :eek 2:
It has been the perfect storm. First you have a school system which told all high schoolers that they need a 4-year degree and that was the only path towards employment. Then the internet which kept youngsters glued to screens instead of going outside and getting exposed to physical work. Then the national trend of shutting down high school shop classes. And finally, aging Baby Boomers and covid.
Of course, Wall Street helped by offshoring our manufacturing base. So it was a perfect storm and here we are now. Somewhat screwed.
that's a perfect analysis of what happened. And unfortunately if we could roll back time with the knowledge, it would still happen again.
Well I just looked at Graham Packaging website and see what they are paying.
We put the Baltimore Plant out of business when Unilever shut down . They are up in Pa now and are hiring . One good thing about Graham is that if you get in at a higher paying plant , you CAN transfer to other plants keeping your rate . They advertise on my Saturday night show as I said above . They are busy keeping McCormick supplied with bottles .