Huanyang FC01 VFD.

Lo más probable es que los parámetros de su motor estén configurados incorrectamente. Proporcione las especificaciones de la placa de identificación del motor y los parámetros de funcionamiento. El ejemplo debajo de la frecuencia base del motor es 400 Hz (no 60 Hz).
P02.01 = 3.0kW
P02.02 = 400Hz
P02.03 = 24,000rpm
P02.04 = 220V
P02.05 = 12A

Tengo estos parametros
P00.00 -2
P00.01 -0
P00.03 -400
P00.04 -400
P00.05 -100
P00.06 -1
P00.11 -8
P00.12 -8
P00.14 -4.0
P01.01 -15HZ
P02.01 -3.0 KW
P02.02 -400HZ
P02.03 -24000RPM
P02.04 -220V
P02.05 -12A
P02.10 -5A
P02.26 -2
P02.27 -120
P04.00 -0
P04.01 -10
P04.02 -50
P04.12 -400HZ
You should post a picture of the motor nameplate or verify the motor operating parameters. VFD parameters look OK if same as motor shown, run motor Autotune. Another worthless manual which does not tell you how to run Autotune or options for Speed Control Mode as they specify not being in vector mode for Autotune. One of the many reasons I do not use these VFD's is for problems with just programming encountered in this thread.


Sigo teniendo problemas con OC3, no puedo ejecutar auto tune, sigo estudiando los parámetros, este tipo de variador a sido un dolor de cabeza...
Although this manual is way better than some, it would be really nice if there were some standardizations of parameter terms among manufacturers.

I have one Huanyang (it was my 1st) and 3) XSY-AT1 s. At least the Huanyang gives some definitions and recommended uses of the parameter numbers.

Hello out there.
I have prorammed and wired several HY vfd`s over the years but now I was clever:oops: enough to buy a HY FC01 model for my Bridgeport.
The issue is the remote wiring, I had on the former a fwd/rev sitch and two separate push buttons for start and stop as well as a pot for speed control.
That was easy on the old one with for/rev ports and so on.
Is there anyone who has done this on the FC01 model and can shear some light on this matter?

Best regards
Somwhere at 68 north:)
Hey man I bought the same VFD and am having issues how are you wired and how are you set up as far as programming?
Muy buenos días a todo el grupo.
Por favor alguien podría indicarme como realizar el autotuning en un VFD Huanyang FC01.
Soy nuevo en el tema y estoy asesorandome en el mismo.
Mucho agradecería el aporte.
He leído los comentarios de mksj, gifracnc, AGCB97 y Rizer522.
Estuve viendo un video de autotuning de un VFD Huanyang de la serie GT y alli si esta todo bien explicado, mas no asi para la serie FC
Thank you mksj!
That is the video I am referring to.
P0.16 seems to be equivalent to P00.16, with the difference that in FC01 it is configured by default at 1.
When you run the program, nothing happens regarding autotuning, so I don't know what other way to take to perform autotuning.
