How would you cut this gear?


According to Wikipedia this is a crown gear;
"A crown gear (or a contrate gear) is a gear which has teeth that project at right angles to the face of the wheel. In particular, a crown gear is a type of bevel gear where the pitch cone angle is 90 degrees.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] A pitch cone of any other angle is simply called a bevel gear.[SUP][3][/SUP]Crown gears normally mesh with other bevel gears, or sometimes spur gears."
This can be cut with a single point tool rotating at the gear blank hole centerline then cutting through the extended flanged tooth area.

Grind the tool to match the lock and clearance angles of your original gear.

Mound the blank on the end of an arbor held on with a narrow jam nut for maximum cutter clearance in the center.

Index with a spin indexer, one tooth at a time, the same as you would for a spur gear.

Set your milling table "X" axis for the tooth depth and move the milling table "Y" axis to make each tooth cut.

Dean Z.
A crown gear, huh? Thanks for the info Dean, but I don't think I will be trying my hand on this one.

Tony, I'll ask if he wants to have another made or buy one. The problem right now is that they are using the press and in order to keep it up and running someone brazed the broken gear onto a take-up roll, and he doesn't have a spare to send for a pattern.

I just talked to the pressman and they have found a used one online for half price. I told him you could make him one if he would send it to you for a pattern. He said that sounded like a plan. Would you make this gear on cnc? If so, the tech that works on those machines might be interested in a source other than the mfg. if the price was right.

No Pat, it would be manual. I'd include the heat treating and material. All turn-key. Let me know if they want to proceed. The price will be right. Remember, I'm semi-retired, so I'm not in it for a living.