How would a fella go about making this (vintage part of a vintage snare drum)

I got a quote back from the local waterjet company. The cost to cut 50 sets (a total of 200 of the flat parts) is $400, including materials. At just $2 per part, this seems very reasonable. However, I did not request that every hole be cut, just the curved slotted holes. I qssumed it would be cost prohibitive to waterjet every hole. If i decide to proceed, the next step will be to make a couple of prototypes to determine the proper size. Any other thoughts?

Have them cut every hole and slot. Most of that $400 pays for set time and overhead. The time it takes to add a few more holes will add little to the cost of the pats.

+1 on everything cut. It's CNC so let the machine do all the work you can.
Also as was mentioned before, I'd leave out the holes and hand cut a prototype for bending and check the fit of the parts. You'll have the bending process down before you spend the 400$.
