Bill Gruby
Forum Guest
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I didn't say the method was no good, I said it maybe a problem as the line flashes by in a very short time. Further more If I recall the question was how to determine band speed without calculations!
What I said was no good was the chart in the link if 60 flashes/sec were used! In the write up the author claims florescent flashed at a 60 flash/sec rate which is wrong! And if the chart is calculate on that rate it too must be wrong!
It seem to me everyone was off topic and your laser checker was the only on topic answer alnog with me and Rbeckett offering a cheaper way.
My challenge has nothing to do with lights or even a tach, and it is NOT off topic. It has to do do with you simply putting a line on your blade and tell us whether or not you can see it when the blade is moving. According to your previous statement it moves too fast to be seen. This will either prove us or you wrong. I can see it on all three of my saws.
"Billy G"