How to preserve mill/lathe stored in unheated/unairconditioned garage

I had to store my mill outdoors for a couple of months before I could move it into the shop, it was September October so cool nights and some humid days, the right conditions for surface condensation. I made rust preventative by thinning out some petroleum jelly (Vaseline) with WD-40 and brushed it on all bare metal surfaces, covered it first with a canvas tarp then a couple of poly tarps secured with bungie cords. It worked great, not a speck of rust materialized and it was easy to remove.
What are folks living at +5000 ft in a semi arid environment doing? Our weather is moderate, lows of -10F and highs of 110F with no humidity (need to put the guitars in a room with a humidifier). I have both woodworking and metal cutting equipment in a small, unheated cinderblock workshop. I use paste wax on exposed surfaces of woodworking equipment. Oiling lathe and mill. Cover them as well, due to inevitable proliferation of wood dust. All of this is in an unheated, cinderblock garage. So far, no problems, but it has been only a year with this requiem and I was wondering if I am missing something?
Condensation is not a big problem where I live. Garage is generally 16c or above in the winter, with low humidity so not a problem, I can get a slight problem in summer as we run evap air con, I think you guys call them swamp coolers, and if not set correctly can occasionally cause condensation on metal and some other surfaces. I use a product called INOX, A bit similar to WD40, CRC etc, but in my experience is much better. While it's an Australian brand it is available in US and Canada. I use it on everything, great on outboard motors even for salt water use.
My shop is mostly unheated in the winter time and spring in Michigan can lead to condensation. I have ceiling fans that run 24/7/365 to keep the air moving which does a decent job on its own. My woodworking cast iron tables all get healthy coatings of Johnson's paste wax in the fall. Metal working cast iron gets cleaned with LPS 1 (greaseless lubricant), then heavily slathered on way oil with a brush. Come March/April I see the spots I missed . . .
