a similar tool holder had the clamping screw at a 45deg angle pushing against a shoe in an elongated slot in the tool holder arranged at a 45 deg angle with a radiused top, the clamping action forced the tool bit into the corner of what would have been a square hole so that it could not move around once clamped, and it would hold several sizes of tool bit also, made by the Clark Tool Co. in Burbank Ca. , they also made hole cutters that are quite good and a threading tool grinding fixture that is a real prize (fig 002) It works with both 60 and 29 deg tools, and allows grinding the nose flat and back or front rake. The tool holders that I have will take 1/2" square tools down to 3/8" when similar sized Armstrong or Williams holders only take 3/8" tools. Offset tools, (right and left hand) ALWAYS allow the tool to stick through the back, at least, all of them that I have ever seen.