How to drill?

All the previous advice is the way to go. However, when I use a portable drill on metal the auxiliary handle is used. It gives better control and greatly helps avoid a twisted wrist.
Break the chip frequently.

Do not break the chip if you can keep it exiting the hole at all times, when you can no longer see the chip is when the problems start.
Drill as deep with the first peck as possible, depending on the material and twist drill design one may easily drill 4 or more diameters deep in one shot. Feed is very important in this regard so always drill from the tool post under power when possible with a lathe, drilling with the tail stock by hand is inconsistent at best.
Sometimes when everything is stacked against me, like a large bit, single speed drill motor that is to fast, awkward drilling position, etc.
I will drill till I feel the start of break through and then flip the piece being drilled or go to other side of it if not flippable piece. That eases the breakthrough catching.
I'll try that