How NOT to Mark Your Micrometers

Yea, but no one stole his stuff.
Yes, but I for one, wouldn't have wanted to restore all those tools. Maybe if I got to keep them, (bring them home) and even then I'd hesitate.

I just can't imagine the thought process of a person like that. If someone did that under my responsibility, they'd be shown the door upon discovery, as it shows a severe lack of judgement. I wouldn't want someone like that on my team, as they'd likely endanger myself or others.
Playing the devil's advocate here for a minute.... I WON'T be doing that to any of my measuring tools. (Except truing the framing squares maybe, but that's a little different animal....)

I wonder, that micrometer is old enough that in it's lifetime, there was a time was cheap and parts were expensive. I see that it does not have carbide tips. So if one were to need that micrometer, then one would be "presumed" to have some knowledge about such things... I bet ( if one were equipped. and that's important), it'd take about five minutes to lap that back into spec. The letters ARE in the right position for an "easy fix" versus a project...

Don't care. I wouldn't buy it....
I still don't see the problem with stamping the side of a C-clamp?
Even though I dislike marking of any precision tools I submit that micrometers are adjustable measuring devices and should be checked against blocks even if they are not marked. So, does the stamping really effect the function of the tool? I truly dislike buying tools that have been marked. However, there is so much thievery due to the drug epidemic I marked all my non precision tools with my driver license number and also, they say Stolen from Terry Cannon. Took an impact gun in to have it rebuilt once and the guy asked for my I/D. I thanked him and smiled. I had my entire shop full of tools stolen once about 25 years ago, so I am very suspicious when buying used tools. Buying stolen stuff just promotes the criminal's livelihood.
Took an impact gun in to have it rebuilt once and the guy asked for my I/D. I thanked him and smiled.

Totally off of the topic-
Due to warranty failures on my new car (Ford Maverick), I borrowed a flatbed wrecker from work to drive home, collect my other vehicle, and carry that to work the next morning.

So, as I'm leaving my driveway, I realized that in the (confusion, to be nice) of traffic, and me backing into he driveway the night before, I missed a package in my mail box. So I secured the truck, saw headlights coming, judged room to walk across the street, and planned to collect the package, wait out the headlights, and then cross back to where the wrecker/my other car were. No such luck. DOT enforcement truck, he slowed down stopped across my driveway. Can't see him or her yet, but I've met 'em all, I started back, the DOT truck window goes down, he (now it's a he), says "Where are you headed?" I sort of pointed/gestured to the other side (curb side) of his truck, and he started that window down, I walked around. I know the guy somewhat, I just said "My new car broke, and my boss was good enough to let me drive this wrecker home, to collect my other vehicle and carry it in this morning. He says, Can I see your driver's license? I'm thinking (not saying) personal use, cause, how does that work when the state OWNS the edge of the road here, no right of ways... I said "Jeesh, I havn't even hit the road yet, what did I do? he was ready. He says "Do you have anything with your address on it?. It clicked. I said Yes I do, for that you can have my driver's license. When he handed it back, I said thank you.

At least one guy, in the wrong department, still gives a crap...