How much lathe is too much lathe?

I make small parts (diameters down to 0.050" sometimes less) for cameras and musical instruments on my Jet 1340. I made a collet body for WW collets that fits into the spindle taper. Maximum spindle speed is 3000 rpm. It would be nice if faster, but is adequate.
For me, it's more about the ability to hold work securely than the weight of the machine, look for a machine that has the ability to hold your work securely and rigidly and then consult your budget. If you can rigidly secure the work in the chuck, it can be turned.
I'll let ya know if I ever get there...My old Sydney can spin an honest 20" just under 5' long...Not very fast but I ain't in no hurry...Your only limitation is your mind...I've spent more time thinking about how to do a job then actually doing it...**G**
You and me both, I'll spend 1000 hours thinking about a 3 hour job...

Especially if that job entails some expensive material like stainless, or gold, or silver, or gem material...
While this is true, it is lacking. I believe it should read, It's not the machine, it's the OPERATOR. I know many people that are not Machinists or Tool Makers that are very adept at operating a lathe. I also know a few that aren't.

"Billy G"
Bill's probably referring to folks like me... ;)
I machine very small parts on a 20x80 gap bed at work all the time.

Define small please.

I had to make two grip screws and a firing pin for a old Colt M1900 a while back, and I sure as heck would not have wanted to even attempt that on your 20x80. I had a hard enough time on my 1340GT. I'm just glad I bought that little ER32 collet holder a while back.

I even had to mount my large lighted magnifier onto the lathe in order to properly see what I was doing. :)