How mount/hold 7” x .3” steel disk?

Man I would love to see a thread on how to actually use that beast! Looks incredibly useful, but I'm wondering how work gets centered on it.

Basically you just bump the work true. The magnetism can be applied gradually when turning the pinion. Here's the thread I posted about it.

Stefan Gotteswinter shows his in a few videos as well as info on his website. That's what made me want to get one. I also stole his idea of using copper for knockers around the shop (I had some copper that I was saving for some reason anyway). I just happened to come across the one I got on ebay for a good price & I couldn't resist since it was a Yuasa.

Mikey also has one too, we just have to keep nudging him to get his mounted already! ;)

(Starting around 9:25)