How long for capacitors to discharge in a window a/c unit ?

To answer post #19: In many cases yes, but not always. As an example, machines that use reversing contactors may leave the start cap charged when powered down.
To answer post #19: In many cases yes, but not always. As an example, machines that use reversing contactors may leave the start cap charged when powered down.
Agreed, but OP is asking about a window A/C unit.

Once the capacitor is discharged it would be a good idea to put a shorting strap on it. Already mentioned in this thread, but worth emphasizing because if not shorted, high voltage capacitors can RE charge to a significant fraction of the voltage they had stored on them. The internal dielectric gets polarized and will act a bit like a battery. Very high voltage capacitors can recharge themselves to lethal levels so for them it's not a nicety but a necessity to always put a shorting strap on them when not in use.
Yes indeed. It's sometimes called "dielectric relaxation" I think there's a wiki entry about it under "static electricity"
There are room-sized caps at Los Alamos you wouldn't dare leave unshorted
Yes indeed. It's sometimes called "dielectric relaxation" I think there's a wiki entry about it under "static electricity"
There are room-sized caps at Los Alamos you wouldn't dare leave unshorted
imagine this one.....