My last name is Staton. When I was in the Navy, stationed on the USS Oklahoma City (SSN723), I lived in the barracks but the barracks didn't have a real address. I had to have my mail delivered to the boat. The yeoman would come around every morning during quarters and deliver the mail. He would announce the name, "STATON!", "BARNES!", etc. and he would give you the mail.
Somehow I got on some kind of spam mail list, and I was getting letters from all kinds of places, and none of them could seem to spell my name right. I got letters addressed to, and called out at quarters as, "Station", "Stantion", "Stanton", "Stator", et. al. The one that really took the cake was "STRANTOR!" The captain happened to be standing right there, and he said "Strantor.... ok." And then later that day, he addressed me as "Petty Officer Strantor." From that point on, I was known aboard the boat as "Strantor."
Turns out that "Strantor" is a really good alias because it's original. I've never met another stantor in the whole internet. So if you see another one on another forum, you can be sure that that's me (with 95% certainty).