Couple of weeks ago I was cutting unistrut for my saw project. I hate cutting unistrut. I use it and re-use it for all kinds of projects. Take that project apart when I've had my fun with it and make something else. I'm basically a 200lb adolescent playing with erector toys. So cutting it makes me cringe because that's one less long piece I'll have for the next project. When I do cut it, I try to cut it into 2ft, 4ft, or 8ft pieces. That way the holes at least still line up. I needed two pieces 56" long and there was no way around it, I had to make cuts.
So I got an 8ft piece, couldn't find my tape measure so I used a 4ft ruler, made a mark, moved it over 8" and made another mark. Took my bandsaw and cut on the 48" line instead of the 56" line. Cussed myself, grabbed another 8ft piece and did the exact same thing again. Cussed myself and threw my marker into the abyss. Grabbed a brand new 10ft stick and made my marks with a scribe since I didn't have a marker anymore; this time I scrawled a bold "YES" and "NO" beside my lines in maniac font, grabbed my saw, made my cut, went to put the piece on, and it didn't fit. Measured it, 56" on the nose. Re-measured where it needed to go; 58" is what I needed all along, not 56". Cussed myself, realized that having now cut it 56" instead of 58", I wouldn't be able to get my two pieces out of that one 10ft stick and I'd have to cut into yet another piece. Cussed myself again, turned the lights off and walked back to the house with my tail tucked. I consoled myself with thoughts of "you're not really that stupid, you're just tired. You need to rest. You'll be smarter tomorrow."