So, the story: I pretty much thumb through the facebook market place and craigslist everyday for all sorts of things. Today I found the ad for this mill had been posted for sale 3 hours prior to my finding it. I immediately assumed it to be a B'port clone and messaged the seller. We went back a forth for about 30 minutes when I looked at his facebook and realized he was a firefighter, I'm a firefighter. We connected over that a bit. I called and said I wanted to come look at it which he was good with. He says he's had this machine 10 years and its great, everything works, he only took it out because he got a better machine in a deal. I looked at the new machine, a bit larger, power feeds everywhere and DRO's so it makes sense.
2 things really sold me on this machine. The first being he is a newly retired firefighter and I am currently a firefighter. There was a connection from the job that seemed to carry over into a 'no sales pitch' conversation. He said its in good shape and he had no problems with it and I believe him. The second thing was I got to look at his shop, and it was clean and well taken care of. The floor was clean, tools were put away, other machines were not covered up in tools and parts and were in good shape. Looking at the shop I judged him to be someone who takes care of tools and equipment. Those things really made me feel better about it. My own inspection made me feel good too, no drilled holes in the table, no rust anywhere, oil on all the ways, not covered in chips. He showed me the one shot oiler works. I got to turn the handles and feel them all move.
I think i'm going to be happy, going from an RF30 to this. On that note, this one has a lot more levers, going to need some instructions to use 'em all.