Homemade vertical mill drill

So, what I'm learning is that this spindle really wants to run at >10K rpm. I think that means using small carbide end mills and CNC programming.

I have the ballscrews, linear rails, steppers and controllers to retrofit the table I have which I think will be ok once I get rid of the dovetails and acme screws.

I'll probably move this thread over to the CNC area once I really get going on that but so far I'm happy with the rigidity and feel like everything is close enough to being square that I will be able to tram the table pretty well. It's been a long journey to get to this point and I know I'm only a little way along the path, but this forum and all of you have been such a great source of inspiration and support I just want to say Thank You:)


Y axis is a little weak so getting a new one ready.IMG_7251.JPG
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