Hi guys.
I know I have seen threads on homemade marking blue, but I can't seem to find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction or maybe have a recipe for making your own easy to use effective marking blue.
Hi Michael
I confess - it was me -->
DIY Blue Spotting Blues
I ended up with jars of several kinds of blue, Prussian Blue, Water trace dye, etc.
.. and 2 Yellows, and Dye-Kem style red, etc.
Marking fluid is way easier than spotting, but generally, any colours pigments or dyes you please can be used. You can even mix the (oil mix) marking blue with methylated spirits, and dissolved in shellac. My stuff starting with my own mix was nicer.
Tha basic way to get a marking fluid that will easily wipe off with alcohol (like rubbing alcohol or IPA) is to mix a little shellac (eBay) with the alcohol, and colour it with Prussian Blue, or any other dye. It dries fast, you can scribe a line, it's quite hard to rub off - until you use some alcohol.
You can raid any tube of artist's paint, and cut it with enough rubbing alcohol to null the linseed oil in it, and again, a little shellac gives you the scribe-able surface as it dries.