Home Brew Lead Screw Chaff Shield

It's also ejected as part of the coffee roasting process...
Explains why I feel like a fighter pilot every time I roast coffee beans.
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Don't know why I started calling it chaff! It's also the husks of grains like rice, wheat etc. "Swarf" just sounds like a weird word to me but "newbie" has to learn the lingo of the trade! LoL
Here's my lead screw swarf cover that moves with carriage. It's about seven inches long of thin aluminum. I added a strong earth magnet under the rack to stop the carriage from crashing the cover into the head stock. Not the strongest metal but if it works well I will use a thicker aluminum. I'll use it awhile and see how durable it is. Still thinking that I'll add a plate across the ways to protect them.

Chaff is a good word, and not used nearly enough these days. Very descriptive, I like it.

Nice job on the deflector too, LX.

After testing the very thin aluminum swarf shield I decided to make a thicker one. The thinner one seemed to work very well so I made another a little wider and more durable. When I get a chance I'll make another for the right side of the table.
