I had to wear protective toe shoes where I worked, I ve had good luck buying RedWing shoes. They make a line of sneaker type protective shoes that are very light and quite comfortable. When working I'd replace the insoles ( about $40 ) every five or six months. There is not much worse than uncomfortable aching feet! Learned years ago that spending more and buying a better quality shoe helped me a lot plus they last longer. I had to buy new shoes when working about every 2 years or so, not that they would wear out, but they broke down inside and became uncomfortable. I'd be lucky if cheaper shoes lasted me much more than 6 months (false economy) I also found more recently that swapping shoes a day or two during the week help with my feet feeling better. Also in theory your shoes should last longer, tho I an not so sure...
I also had Plantar Fasciitis issues years ago and have for the most part solved that (Thankfully) with some stretching exercises the Doc showed me. He advised me to avoid the surgery if at all possible as it can make it worse as often as it helps ( and he was a surgeon! )
Best of luck, Take care!