Help needed - on removing EE cross slide leadcrew

Monarch is not going to share or even sell you the drawings of any parts, period; that's not how they roll.

Monarch classified the drawings for round-dial 10EE as "OBSOLETE/DISCARDED". They don't maintain them like they do their active drawings and can't find them very easily, if at all. I tried to get a set of round-dial assembly drawings, like they have for the square-dials and Terrie had almost no luck finding them. Many parts, like the cross-feed screw, wound up on the square-dial and they can still make them. Other parts, even things as simple as the felt wipers for the carriage, can be a problem.

All you will get for you money is a photocopy of this manual:
and a copy of wiring diagram. They send the same diagram, regardless of what your machine actually has.

The backlash in the cross-feed is adjustable by tilting the nut. If the backlash is the same in the middle as it is on the ends, your cross-feed nut may just need to be adjusted. If you Google "Adjusting 10EE Crossfeed Screw Backlash" you should find my article on adjusting it.
thanks Cal! I was hoping you would chime in! Do I have to remove the top saddle or loosen it to withdraw the cross slide leadscrew? I have seen most if not all of your very useful articles, including the one you refer to.
my backlash is the same everywhere although I can move the nut along the leadscrew by my fingers by 0.125. I don't think it is meant to be that loose, but hey, what do I know?
do you still have the round dial?
Here's a link to a series of photos showing the disassembly of the cross-slide and taper attachment: link

On my round-dial, there's a washer on the back end of the cross-feed dial that prevents it from being removed without loosening the apron bolts and raising the saddle up a bit. You should be able to lift the cross-feed screw out along with the taper attachment draw bar. If you don't have a taper attachment, you should be able to just unscrew the cross-feed screw along with the dial, without removing the dial assembly. (But it's been a while, so my recollection might be a bit fuzzy.)