Help me pick test indicator and holder

Actually I made five offers. After the fifth one is denied you can no longer make an offer but you can still buy it for the buy it now price.
Sorry if my previous post was misleading.
Now I know!
Joe , I will let you know what I have left . Probably close to 100 or so . If you see something that floats your boat , we will work something out andif you find out its not what you wanted , you can always return it . I'm always here ! I just don't have the need for the majority of high precision tools anymore since I don't work for the government anymore and most likely will not be machining at home .
OK, I don't have much experience with forums. Please PM me or email gulftide2000 yahoo com.
My favorite is an Interapid .0005 .060 travel test set that I found at an instrument repair company out of tempe az for $115, rebuilt. It has both front and rear dovetail mounts and is my go to indicator for the 4 jaw chuck. I mount it on a Nouga mag base that is so easy to position for almost all setups == Jack
I have an inexpensive plunger. I'll upgrade later.
Until I feel competent, I think I will pick up an inexpensive test indicator to get close before I pull out the Compac.

Kurt, I hope your indicator problem is not contagious!

Now, for the holders. I want bottom adjust. I'm thinking a post mount Noga PH2040 for a second/long reach.
Help me decide on my primary mag base Noga. NF, DG, MG. The lathe is a 13x40. I don't want one too small to reach nor too big to be awkard.
Easy answer?
I went ahead and bought one of the Compacs that Mikey pointed out. I really like the large, uncluttered, easy to read dial, and rev counter.
Much nicer than anything else I was looking at. Thanks, Mikey.

For some reason, I was thinking these were old models. Maybe its recent mfg. I'll ask.

You'll like it, Joe. I have one that I use all the time, another as a back up and another as a back up for the back up so that I'm never without one of these fine indicators. Pretty sure I'll be dead before #2 ever comes into use.

Another one to watch for is a Compac 215GA, the 0.0001" companion to the 214GA. It, too, is a long range indicator with a large, easy to read dial. It is just as precise, just as smooth and just as hard to find because they are no longer made. If you see one of these in good shape, grab it. The last suggestion is the Compac 523LA 0.0005" dial indicator. It is, in my opinion, one of the finest dial indicators ever made - smoooth, repeatable, precise. These have the action of the old B&S Swiss indicators, the kind with no lag in the movement when you switch directions.

Do you need these things? Nope, you don't, but you should know about them because ebay makes it possible to find these things at sometimes stupid prices. My last 214GA had a small scratch on the crystal but it was brand new. Cost me $50.00 to buy it and a bit of tooth paste and a buff later, the scratch was gone. Like I said, stupid!
Emilio, it was in a sealed plastic bag with the same paperwork as my other Bestest. The only differences I can see between the two are the face does not have swiss made and the label on the top of the light grey box does not have it either.

Joe, I have the NF10433 and DG 10533. The little NF is used mainly on the mill and minilathe, the DG on the 12x36. The DG has been large enough for what I do. has very good prices sometimes. I always check.
19E60: That is very odd about the Best Test w/o Swiss Made. Something isn't right about that. If you look at every Best Test DTI, they all have Swiss Made on the dial and case. Mikey, AFAIK, the Compac 214GA is still made and available for purchase,
Great indicators. So glad you turned me on to these. I now have several 214GA's and 215GA's. They're jewels! That 523LA finally sold for $70.00 on Ebay. It looked pretty beat up, so I didn't want to chance it. Parts are rare and expensive. I'm sure it's a very good indicator. Great for lathe work I imagine.
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Mikey, AFAIK, the Compac 214GA is still made and available for purchase,
Great indicators. So glad you turned me on to these. I now have several 214GA's and 215GA's. They're jewels! That 523LA finally sold for $70.00 on Ebay. It looked pretty beat up, so I didn't want to chance it. Parts are rare and expensive. I'm sure it's a very indicator. Great for lathe work I imagine.

My error. I was under the impression the Imperial versions were being phased out. Good to know you can still buy them brand new.

Yeah, I saw that 523 finally sold. It might have been okay but it looked a bit rough. I offered him a lower price but he didn't bite. Took what, several months for someone to buy it. Hope that turns out okay for the buyer.
All inch reading Compac dial indicators, like your 523 have been phased out, which is a sad thing. I'm sure they were top notch DI's.
Maybe I'll get lucky.
I'm going to post 2 indicators for sale on here in a wee bit . They are not for the timid , but if you are looking for something that will last a few lifetimes here they are !