At full price that looks like a great deal. Unless it is totally frozen and won't turn or something. Good move with the Monarch brand. They are supported and people know about them.
Ask if they would connect power for you to see it work.
Look at some other areas on this web site for people to stop over or go there to check it out before final payment. This is the beginners forum listing and might not get everyone's attention. There is the Monarch machine area, people love these for good reason and someone may be close enough to come out. Look in the Rigging and delivery area for someone that might help transport it and may be knowledgeable. Look in the apprentice/mentor area and ask for help with this.
I would post there and post that link to the machine and you will probably get interest in helping.
Those machines are plentiful where you are but so are the guys that spent their work life with them so should be help around.