Have You Used A Taper Attachment?

Have one on my Sheldon EXL and couldn't live without it. Yes it adds a certain amount of backlash when not in use, but a quick snugging of a few gib screws and it just like new. Cut many MT tapers and even straightened out a poorly cut L00 taper on and import backing plate. Couldn't live without it and next machine will definitely have one.
I have a 10" SB toolroom lathe which has the taper attachment as standard. I have used it for pipe threads (neat) and recently for putting a taper on extension spindles for my TPG. Generaly speaking they are very easy to set and are always ready to lock up and quickly do a taper operation within other operations while leaving your compound rest free for threading etc. Another huge bonus is being able to use the power feed and you are not limited be the travel of the compound rest. Too many advantages not to keep it.

Well it seems a shame so many have put your TA units out to pasture. If you need a good home for it and it would fit or could be adapted to my Sheldon lathe, let me know. I could use one for doing a couple rifle barrels and making a couple 5MT adaptors. Maybe you could loan it to me for an "extended" period? :)

I purchased a TA with the lathe in 2001. Usually use it 1-3 time per year. The first time I went to use it, I found the back splash required modification. I ended up plasma cutting one side of of a 2" x 3" rectangular tubing to create a three sided pocket for the TA bracket that mounts to the back of the cross slide. It works well, but something I don't use often. IMG_0561.JPGIMG_0563.JPG
I had one for years, very protective of it, couldn't see life without it. But....... Never once used it. Admit it, we all lust after the taper attachment, we all want to have it on our machine, the queen of lathe accessories, but really, how many have used one, and how often does it get used?

I sold mine. Now feel sad that I did. Incomplete. Is the taper attachment just an object of desire, or a useful accessory? Why does it have such status when so rarely used?

I have shelves and tool chests full of tools I may or may not ever use again, but they were there when I needed them and somehow I just can't let them go. Perhaps it's a status symbol- perhaps just respect.