Hardinge HV-4N Indexer Lever Pin/Spring


Jul 9, 2023
After about a year of waiting, I grabbed the missing part I did not have for my Hardinge HV-4N made 5C collet indexer.
Problem was that upon getting it, realize that the indexing pin was substituted with a small filed down allen screw to act as the ratchet pin that rides on the front ring along the scalloped machined ring surface. I will show picture of what I mean. The second thing was a pin that just limits the throw of the lever.

I would appreciate an image of the pin spring thing, a measurement of the pin. Is it a plunger set up?

The two halves look to be from different manufacturers. Thank you temporary bin of parts!

I'm surprised how clean the main unit is, its black crinkle paint looks like it was done yesterday. I'm sure I can squeeze another six months finishing this up at my speed. I was already going to sacrifice a tool bit, 3/16", to get the party started. I'll wait for amazonprimed with my 3/16" rod.

Thank you ahead of time.
I have one that's apart downstairs . I'll see if I can get a size of what you're looking for today . :)
You figure this out ? The pin is spring loaded from the rear on my Hardinge indexer . I just glanced at it for a minute .
Thanks for looking for me. I have no idea how it is held in place or what the actual pin looks like.
I'll dig into a little more this evening and get some pics . :encourage:
Seems I am not far off... another one came up for sale on ebay, and it clearly is a nub with half the tip cut clean. My guess, there is a stem at the base, very small, to keep the spring attached, and possibly that is all it is.
I was able to find a suitable pen spring that willingly jumped at the task of being sawn in half, encased in darkness while holding up the ceiling! I filed down the piece further and factored walking it in with as much spring as possible but just getting the edge of the 3/16 part to sit quietly while I close the lid. Turned it one way... didn't work, turned it the other way and the ratchet worked.

I still am interested in the actual part specs so I can put those in. I was just spitballin'
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