Hanging out at the Cancer center


Jan 1, 2018
I am pretty much babbling on here to calm my nerves... probably not a good read.

Today is my girl friend's (of 16 years) first chemo and radiation treatment for colon cancer. She didn't want a ride but I didn't want her going alone for get first treatment. I figured just chit-chat on the ride over was better than being alone and focusing on being nervous.

We had a final night of conspicuous consumption with home made yellow chicken curry and vodka (she is Russian and Vodka is the cure of everything). Her ex (I invited) and his sister came over to join us. His sister, Kate, has pretty sevear dimensia. It was the first time I have ever really spent any time talking to someone with dimensia. I was surprised when she recognized me from 4 years ago when she last visited. Her brother just (rescued) her from her husband in Texas and brought her her to Oregon last week. Her husband, with Parkinson's, was utterly not able to care for her.

My gf is only 50. A couple years ago she want to the doctor for stomach problems. They ran some tests and sent her home with Prilosec (ani-acid). Just under a month ago she want to another doctor that also couldn't find anything wrong but referred her to a colonoscopy

... First treatment finished.
My wife had colon cancer at 40. Stage 4. She's 15 years cancer-free today. Hang in there!

My wife got "Folfox" (sp?) and the first treatment, along with some steroid left her feeling "up". That's the only time that happened. The chemo will cause a lot of fatigue and you should insist on driving her. She'll probably get to wear a pump for a few days too. I'm guessing they'll give her "both barrels" since she's young and probably better able to take it than older patients. My wife did six months, I think that was 12 treatments (one every two weeks). There's lots of hope, especially if they caught it early.

Her oncologist will undoubtedly tell her to avoid alcohol and sugar. Both feed the cancer cells.

She's going to need you a lot in the coming months, even if she's stubborn as a mule and doesn't want to admit it. Feel free to hit me up by PM if you have questions or just need to talk to someone.

I am pretty much babbling on here to calm my nerves... probably not a good read.

Today is my girl friend's (of 16 years) first chemo and radiation treatment for colon cancer. She didn't want a ride but I didn't want her going alone for get first treatment. I figured just chit-chat on the ride over was better than being alone and focusing on being nervous.

We had a final night of conspicuous consumption with home made yellow chicken curry and vodka (she is Russian and Vodka is the cure of everything). Her ex (I invited) and his sister came over to join us. His sister, Kate, has pretty sevear dimensia. It was the first time I have ever really spent any time talking to someone with dimensia. I was surprised when she recognized me from 4 years ago when she last visited. Her brother just (rescued) her from her husband in Texas and brought her her to Oregon last week. Her husband, with Parkinson's, was utterly not able to care for her.

My gf is only 50. A couple years ago she want to the doctor for stomach problems. They ran some tests and sent her home with Prilosec (ani-acid). Just under a month ago she want to another doctor that also couldn't find anything wrong but referred her to a colonoscopy

... First treatment finished.
good luck to both of you.
you guys need to go to a comedy club, laugh, it's great medicine. avoid stress, do uplifting things.
3 of us in at work had bladder cancer ( all mechanics ) , we were known as the " Bag Brothers " . :rolleyes: Chemo will take the energy out of you for sure . Best of luck to everyone out there with this disease .