Had more shop time! Unfortunately cut short, as you'll read.
I stopped by ace to get our set screws last night and installed all of them. Then I turned an arbor to start with the OD. I started with the largest bore, and made it tight enough it needed a little tap from a mallet to get on. It also uses the set screw on a flat, plus a clamp off the end.
I was able to take .100 DOC passes (fortunately, since otherwise removing 2 inches of diameter would take forever...) Without issue.
I finished my roughing on the first one, and it is down to round! So yay for that. Surface finish is kinda bad, but hey, roughing cut.
It was this point I realized I don't have a 3-4" micrometer! I could use my Fowler 12" calipers but my confidence in them is sorta "meh" (jaws on my 6" B&S aren't long enough to go in straight).
Fortunately I had ordered most of a B&S micrometer set NOS which is shipping Monday anyway! So, just looks like this project is back-burnered until that shows up.