The clamp piece should have been made with thicker cross section and cutaways to accommodate the nuts/wrench
If you look at the link in post #11, that is exactly what I did.The clamp piece should have been made with thicker cross section and cutaways to accommodate the nuts/wrench
I measured a total of 4.101" from the top of the saddle ways to my spindle centerline. I put a 1/2" bit in my 4 way tool holder and measured 3.997". Additionally, I measured the individual components that make up the distance. It breaks down like this: 4-way + 1/2" tool bit to top of bit, .903", thickness of cross slide, .902"; thickness of compound and slide, 1.378"; distance from top of cross slide to bottom of compound assembly, .798" for a total of 3.981".
From your photo, it looks like the difference is coming in between the cross slide and the compound. My guess is that a design change was made to increase the clearance to make accessing the clamp bolts easier.
The current specification for the swing over cross slide is 6-1/8" for a top of cross slid to spindle axis of 3.062" which agrees fairly well with my measured 3.080", I would suggest that you make that measurement. If I am correct, you should find that distance to be similar. Then measure the thickness of the cross slide assembly. Again, you should find about 1.38". Measure the thickness of the bottom flange of the 4-way and add 1/2". Yous should be close to .90". If all these are correct, then the only distance left is the distance created by the compound dial. F4rom my SolidWorks models of the 602, the compound dial is .791". The flange on the dial measures .260" and the boss measures .531" I expect that you will find yours to be more like 1" My guess is that the increased the height of the boss.
An old style compound dial, P/N P0602205, should clear up the problem. I have found Grizzly customer service to be very responsive to my issues. They should send you a new dial. It helps to provide them with all of your findings. You can PM me if you need any more help.
Mr. RJSakowski thank you very much,,,,,,I have many years in sheet metal but very limited in lathe work ha, i followed your lead and some measurements are similar but first paragraph 1.0 instead of your .798,, and my dial measures .49 and plus boss .529 your guess was pretty accurate.
last night i contacted Mr. Belfanti and he said his kit would not alter my height control, although now see i should get one from him anyway. Will contact griz. tech. and mention the suspicious measurements
thank you and all the others for your support, I guess this is a start to learning lathe ha