Got my vice fix for the month

this month’s vise but it was free . It has no manufacture name on it , it’s not Asian, it’s well made and heavy for its size. Anyone have a clue who might of made it ? . I think it will get the electrolysis treatment and some paint.
Seems really old
this month’s vise but it was free . It has no manufacture name on it , it’s not Asian, it’s well made and heavy for its size. Anyone have a clue who might of made it ? . I think it will get the electrolysis treatment and some paint.

Seems really old

I like it -at that price I love it! Bet it will clean up nicely.
Unfortunately the no name vise is in pretty bad shape, the jaw screws were 1/4-20 the shelf they sat on are gone “broken
Jaw screws broken, may mount vise on mill machine the jaw seats back to give jaws a shelf to set on and tap new 5/16
Threads for jaws , don’t know if it’s worth trying to fix , but may try as a challenge
Post some pictures if you get creative. Depending on what you might use it for you could put some sheet copper soft jaws or a set of magnetic jaws.

Of course it seems that I haven't ever met a vise I didn't like.
Welcome to HM KBeitz
I’ve seen that type a vise never owned one, is the lower part used to adjust jaw angle ?.
The no name vice is getting soft jaws (aluminum) it’ll be used for light duty things, paint today pics later