Who is anyone to tell another (yes, even ones making a video), what is safe? I could show you a hundred, maybe even a thousand videos of people doing all kinds of stunts with skateboards, bicycles, motorcycles, wheelchairs, cars, excavating equipment, and so on, that we could easily call reckless, but they have mastered their sport, or what ever you want to call it, and do not get hurt. Yes, pointing out safety issues is a good thing, but we are all humans, and are responsible for our selves. I never went to a joey chitwood stunt show, expecting to learn how to drive a car on two wheels, nor would I watch a machinist video, and think its ok to wear long sleeves, because the guy on the video did. I dare anyone here, to go to Pakistan, and tell them the right way of doing anything. Watch any of their youtube videos, and you will see they have mastered doing things completely wrong, and staying alive.