Used to make rockets many years ago in the late '50's. rolled our own tubes using broomsticks for cores..
We put one layer of lunch wrap around the stick so we could get the tube off. then 3 or 4 wraps of Alfoil to shield the paper from the heat, then wrapped with brown packaging paper using water based hobby type glue, the first layer of paper was interleaved with the last layer of Alfoil.
Once it was all glued up we removed it from the rod and stuffed it with fuel Did try some home made black powder, but usually exploded right after lift off.
Read about Zinc and Sulphur, did many experiments with this fuel, various mixes, don't remember the results of different mixes but had various results, from failed to launch, exploded after lift off, and some went up into the sky completely out of sight never to be seen again.
We thought we were pretty sophisticated, but we were only school kids about 14 or 15 at most, but we were pretty pleased with ourselves at the time.