This looks like just the right push to rejoin EAA to get the free Solidworks, AND motivate me to get my pilots license back to current............Hmmmmmmmm.........
But I still hate that SW would still be on the web.
I've also heard about EAA/SW deal. Are you saying its only cloud based ("still be on the web") or where did you read about that? They say Education Version, but I think that is essentially what is offered to secondary school students etc. more fully described in last link.
Thanks CB, I realize that. It was his 'on the web' comment I was interested in. I think maybe by that he is inferring cloud based, but from what I can tell, its a conventional standalone PC install. Just the Educational version, which has certain limitations over regular seat, but still not cloud based AFAIK.
Can we still make dimensioned prints to display here?