Things like this are going to hurt the software rental system the big companies are pushing. People see this sort of thing and push back. It's nice to be able to pay a smaller amount per year and get updates for many people.
MS Office used to run $500 or so for the bigger versions. Home users couldn't justify that, so pirated or used something else. It's currently $70/year, which is pretty reasonable for what you get. I still wouldn't have it if my wife didn't insist on it. She uses it at work a lot, so using something else is irritating for her. I use that sort of thing rarely, so I just use OpenOffice on my computer. When I don't just use a text editor. I rarely use the fancy formatting tools for the stuff I do.
MS Office had different versions with different levels of programs at different price points. I din't mind shelling out $200 to $400 every few years IF I wanted to upgrade. If I didn't, I could keep using what I had purchased. When the upgrade was worth the price, I upgraded. This served as and incentive for them to upgrade their product and fix bugs.
I think I'm going to try to use FreeCAD and if I can get it to work for me, I'll send $ I would have used on something else to them. I really dislike the attitude some of the companies have with this stuff. It's a little like Darth Vader.. "I have altered the deal. Pray I do not alter it further." And as a paying customer for F360, I think I have the right to be irritated. And for hobby users, $400/year is a big ask. For a business, it's a good deal though. Other than the issues with them possibly altering that deal as well.
I've heard pirated Solidworks is out there. If I wind up going that way, maybe I'll run that version on an isolated VM so they can't mess with it and pay for the $40/year club. But I'd rather support the open source guys if it will do the job.
I agree. $400 a year is ridiculous. I did one project this year. I'd be willing to pay $400 for a permanent license and no upgrades. I'm not willing to pay several grand for the same thing.
I might be willing to pay $50 a year for access to the software under the current offering for hobby users, but not for something without the stuff I need to export files to my 3d printer.