Found An Interesting Site

I found it a while back and so far have found nothing I would want, but I keep looking, You never know what will come up next. Ed
I have watching that site for a couple of years now. Haven't found anyhing close enough to me.
Oh, I'm guilty of doing so too in my past. Spindle bearings are generally not an issue of messing up. But if you ever looked at a Clausing and how the HS is bolted down to the bed, it would be iffy to me. I've seen bolts strip out of the cast iron before on larger heavier lathes in my past. But the issue is how much is the head stock knocked out of alignment when you lift like that? Especially on a Clausing lathe or an Asian lathe.
Just because no one seem to have a beginning design and application " Bearing Book"
Someone should, and study motionless bearings with heavy loads......BLJHB