OK, next op is cutting the top edges to correct height and thinning the top cover area from 0.187 to 0.125 thick
First job is build a good fixture, the key to machining anything. This is just a 5"x 15" x 3/4 bar and a 2" x 12" x 1/2" plate with holes drilled to go through the receiver charge handle and just in front of the ammo slot. Clamp the large bar in the vice. the top edge of the vice locates the bottom of the part for height.
I used "Manual NC" here. that is record your machine steps and do the same thing five times. I'm keeping this fixture for the future and recording my machine notes here. I always print out the instructions and tape to the fixture.
1. Set Z(knee) Zero at 3.588 overall height of RSP.
2. set X0 at front edge of ammo slot cut, 1/2" cutter to left.
3. set Y0 on front side of RSP, cutter to front
4.Machine top to knee 0 3.588 height
5. set Z level down 0.213- on knee to 3.375 height
6. machine top from x0 to x4.30
7.set Z level down to 0.388- on knee to 3.200 height
8. Machine from X0 to X 3.2 on front edge from Y0 to Y0.062, part thickness 0.125"