Flex in the mill spindle.

About the smaller endmill, if I try topmilling with an 8 mm endmill and 0,2 mm depth how much should I try to take in width?
Try calling Sah-Ko or Teräsrenki Oy. Teräsrenki claims on their website that they’re not accepting new customers, but I’d still give it a shot as Reino is known to be quite a character :grin:
Ok, both seem to be selling full bars, the postage seems to be on par with stahlhaus24 and neither is close enough to just drive there. Thanks but stahlhaus seems to be a better solution for me.
Ok, both seem to be selling full bars, the postage seems to be on par with stahlhaus24 and neither is close enough to just drive there. Thanks but stahlhaus seems to be a better solution for me.
At least Sah-Ko states the following on their website...
Tarjoamme monipuolisen valikoiman metalleja täysinä salkoina ja levyinä sekä asiakastarpeen mukaisiin määrämittoihin leikattuna ja muotoihin työstettynä.
...but as said before, give them a call. It's way easier to deal with them over the telephone :encourage: