Five minute Cast Iron Camera Stabilizer

Bulb meaning the old fashioned flash bulb of ancient history
Bulb meaning the old fashioned flash bulb of ancient history
no. The old cameras had a remote shutter release that consisted of a rubber squeeze bulb that connected to the camera via a small hose. Squeeze the rubber bulb and air pressure would trigger the camera shutter for as long as you held the bulb compressed. The modern cameras just kept the name but now it's electronic.
Real cameras (digital & film) still have B setting on the shutter speed “dial.” All of my Nikons do going back to a 1970 Nikon Photomic Ftn and up to my D7500 I assume canon do also.

Pocket digital cameras don’t, even my Canon G15, which is one of the most “adjustable” point & shoot cameras I’ve seen.
I don't get it? Where did you find a fireworks display in October?