I would skip the end mill holders. You won t t be spending enough on them and you'll. Just introduce grief(runout). Hard to beat a collet for rigidity. You only need five. .250",.375", .500", .625" and .750". You can get every size with these five. A one inch endmill with a 3/4 shank and so on. Use that money elsewhere. I have boxes of endmills and five collets. Try to understand how a cutter cuts so you won t chase your tail if you end up with a cutter with no relief or so. Wise enough to not use it. and things can becheap and dooable to a point. A decent cutter will allow you to trust it. Keep it simple. Two flute for closed keyways and such (plunging) and aluminum. . Some four flutes for genereal milling (no plunging). Desired size for keyways in the small sizes if needed. Otherwise skip the smaller stuff. Grab a 3/8 1/2 and depending on your mill either a 3/4 or one inch. The money on all those endmill holders you saved not buying Or a full set of collets. Use it wisely and buy something with quality for your shop. And strive for quality always. It s not carpentry and you can t be half ass. It could bite you and ruin your day. A decent reputable retailer and you should be fine for general stuff. You don t have to spend crazy money at this point but buy something decent with the right tool geometry.