Estate Sales, Dial Indicators, Calculators Oh My!

And just think, if I wasn't a member of this site, and you guys hadn't been talking about
dial indicators, I wouldn't have been thinking about dial indicators and maybe
would't have looked at this box of 'junk' until maybe much later, or worse.... So I owe it all
to you. You guys are priceless! So be on the lookout for a big surprise under your Christmas trees!

Chuck the grumpy old guy
Value on the Curta Calculator is between 750 and 1000 dollars. Yours looks pristine. Congratulations. Great find.

"Billy G"
First off, does anybody know what the "KW" refers to on the Starrett dial indicator. My guess is that it was originally manufactured by a company that Starrett bought out?? The Starrett catalog still lists this model number but the new ones have a J suffix which I would presume is the 10 iteration of the device? and they don't have the KW on the face.

My guess is that Starrett would brand indicators with company names-probably for a fee, or maybe for free if they bought a large quantity.

I have a Starrett indicator labelled "Caterpillar", and another one labeled with the name of an English-sounding firm. Stickney & Watson or something like that......
That makes a lot of sense, thanks

Chuck the grumpy old guy
Great scores.
I too have a Starret indicator with a company name on it. Wasn't a huge company so maybe they'll do it on smaller orders too.

Guess if you put them in the box they came in you would sell them for double your money??? I'm a big spender like you. But if you want a profit I'm here. Yupp big of me to offer right , yuk yuk yuk got to make fun sometimes.