ER collets... Trying somethin new...

I'm using an ER20 set off eBay and I love it. Not sure which seller but it came from Canada. I mostly use the 3/8 and 1/2 collet but it's a definite time and frustration saver.

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I got an ER20 setup when I upgraded my mill last month. It's used in conjunction with the Tormach tooling system and I love it. I've never had any issues with tool slippage...Heck, I even managed to stop my machine before the collet slipped when I was using my super fly cutter. That was an oopsies and not just a test...

I use the harbor freight butterfly wrench with some rope and a spring dangling from the ceiling until I have some time to build a nicer power drawbar setup. It's dinky, but it works.

Good stuff on having the mill already paid for itself a few times over so soon, I do believe I would call that a lucrative investment!
And you haven't tried it on the drawbar?

Well, yes and no. I guess, for a bunch of reasons. I use a double-nut arrangement on the end of the drawbar and use two wrenches. I like to feel with my hands, how much torque is being applied. But also, I do my best to lay-out operations to minimize tool changes. For some reason, the powered methods have never been a big issue for me and the few moments it takes to loosen a DB and the satisfaction of knowing it's properly seated and tightened overcomes the urge to go with automated methods. Also, it just seems to me that this class of machine was not intended for high production or "lights-out" operation and somehow, I have the feeling that attempting to make it something which it is not, will lead me down a path I'm not interested in going. I guess I'm a technical Luddite of sorts...

Anyhow, if I had a modern $xx,000.00 machine, you bet I'd want ATC and all the trimmings...

I put a ER40 collet chuck plate on my lathe I got from Tool for cheap, and I am very very happy with the accuracy, I also got a R8/ER40 holder for my mill, after a couple operations I found out the ER40 collet nut would get in the way. I got a R8/ER16 collet set and love it on the mill...
Are you referring to those multi stage air cylinders to compress a bellville washer stack and release Tormach tool holders from the 3/4" collet? Anyway, I think those are way cool.


Yep, those are the ones, though I have also seen some that use a regular coil spring (I think valve springs). This was on an X2 IIRC.

The ones based on a butterfly valve look nice, except that they aren't really adaptable for an ATC (which is the main reason I want a power drawbar ;)
Yep, those are the ones, though I have also seen some that use a regular coil spring (I think valve springs). This was on an X2 IIRC.

The ones based on a butterfly valve look nice, except that they aren't really adaptable for an ATC (which is the main reason I want a power drawbar ;)

With a duel solenoid valve the butterfly can be used with an ATC
Ray, do you have a link to the ER32 setup you have? Might want to try it out. Thanks.

Roger That...

EDIT: BTW, I was seriously looking at ER 20 and 25 as it would be ideal size for all the work I do. For the life of me, I could not find the corresponding R8 holder that suited my price range and perceived quality level. Of course, having said that, no less than a dozen of you will post links. Anyhow, I'm leery of the inexpensive ones and too broke for the high-dollar units. Solution: Get an ER32 setup as good ones are common and reasonably priced... How's that for fancy logic?

This set I have has some kind of nickel finish that supposedly prevents seizing up. (I'll get the stuff you recommended nonetheless). Anyhow, these collets are slightly different in that they're a slightly unusual fractional size from most sets, are supposedly 0.0001 RO -and have magical powers too. Time will tell.

I chucked up a fresh carbide and put a tenths TDI on the smooth part of the shank. It was so flat-lined I didn't think the probe was touching the piece.

We'll see. I'm skeptical...

Ray, do you have a link to the ER32 setup you have? Might want to try it out. Thanks.

It's from Shars. I don't think we're allowed to post product links anymore...

FWIW, I'm still pondering an ER 25. ER 32 is fine so far and exhibits no problems at all but, a shorter collet holder with a smaller diameter (for the sake of visibility and clearance) is more desirable. On my CNC machine, I doubt I'll ever hold an endmill larger than 1/2". Shars doesn't seem to have an ER 25 / R8 collet holder.

I don't think we're allowed to post product links anymore...


Is that true? If so, I think it's a mistake. I think it's valuable to all to know exactly what others are buying and using and where to get it. It's convenient to click on a link rather than extensive searches that may not turn up the correct item. If this is true, what's the reasoning?
