Engineers Black Book Handy Information

I just picked one of these up because of all the great reviews I've read about it. I've built a small collection of reference books over the years, but I must say I really think this will be my first "go to" from now on. Seems to have all the right information and the format is very nice.

Does the USA version have metric pitch major and minor diameters? My MH 16th edition has very little metric info. Thanks.
Does the USA version have metric pitch major and minor diameters? My MH 16th edition has very little metric info. Thanks.
I have the USA version 3rd edition and it has major and minor diameters for metric fine, coarse, and special threads - for close fit only, and without tolerances. (I have the MH 18th edition and it covers only metric coarse, but with the three fits and tolerances.)

Here is a pic of the page for metric coarse from the EBB

Thanks Bill70j. Looks like I would need the international/metric version. Do you happen to have their Fastener Black Book? I'm wondering how good that is. Anybody have that?

I'd like to know this too. I've been considering buying the Fastener Back Blook but not sure if any of their versions lists pitch diameter for metric threads. Can anyone confirm?
in the USA version, of the black book
they have ISO tap dimension chart which does list major, effective, minor of ext thread, minor of internal thread, along with the tap and clearance drill sizes on one chart (page 29)