A couple of years ago I spotted what appeared to be a fairly new Enco lathe on a local auction. I called Enco to ask about availability of replacement parts. Enco parts department let me know they do not have replacement parts for any machinery more than 5 years old. Enco did not even have a copy of the user manual available. The lathe was only 6 years old. This is just one example of what I see as the biggest difference between MSC and Enco - the bulk of the Enco catalog is full of lower cost, imported items, for which Enco offers minimal support long term. Many times the Enco items are Enco brand. Whereas MSC offers better support, and as others have said a significantly larger catalog including more name brand products, and higher prices. I always try to wait for some kind of discount coupon from MSC before I buy anything from them - some of the coupons offer significant discounts. In spite of all this, I still buy stuff from Enco, but it is always when I know a lower cost imported item will do the job, and I know I will not need any long term support.