Easson 12B DRO Problem

Bob, If that winds your clock so tight, looks like you need to write Easson and straighten them out.
Okay, sorry that I misunderstood Bob. I agree with you that Easson should call it Z but they don't. It was a minor aggravation to me that went away fairly quickly. I am used to it now.
Yes, I am trying to move the world when I have enough trouble moving myself. The makers and shakers probably won't be reading this thread... ;)
Bob: I think we all agree that the "Z" axis is what most people think should be the long axis or the spindle axis of the lathe but in this case I'm working with an Easson DRO that uses the "Y" axis so I had to change the cable hook-ups to work with it 'tis what 'tis as they say.
Well, I spent some time tonight going thru the "Parameters Setup Procedure - System Reset" (starts on page B1 of the online manual) which I'm pretty sure I've done correctly - the menu options in the PDF do seem to match the actual options I have on my screen and this is where lathe function, number of axis and so on are set. I've also gone thru the Parameters Setup Procedure (starts on page 59) as well - a couple of times. At this point I've managed to change the final screen to the following image which shows ABS - FAIL. I can't seem to get away from this screen even back to where I was before with the simple dashes!!! I'm pretty sure that the issue lies in the "Parameters Set-Up Procedure which starts on Page 59 of the online manual and shows screen shots that are different from the menu options shown on my DRO. I have sent a somewhat more detailed description of the issues to Matt to see if he can help. Bit frustrating hopefully entertaining in the end. I'm sure I've changed some variable on a menu that has caused the issue but darned if I can figure it out right now!

20180123_213947 (1).jpg
On page 59 and 60 you need to change the scale type in the setup screens. You do not have Abs. scales, they are SCL.
1) Switch off the counter.
2) Switch on the counter, after switching on with the software version no. "VER. X - ?" in the message window, press "abs" key to enter the Absolute parameter SETUP function.
3) Press up or down key to select next function in the menu, the next function after the SETUP is "SCL. TYPE" which specifies the FUNCTION TYPE of the linear scale. You need to set each scale to SCL type and the resolution for each axis. per page 61 and 62. On Page 64 make sure error comp. is off.

You can do a DRO reset to the factory default specifications per the instructions page B.2. The DRO may have been setup with different parameters when shipped.
1) Switch off the DRO
2) Switch on the DRO, after switching on, with the software version no " VER. X-? " showing in the message window, press the number "8" key to enter the parameter reset function.
3) Reset completed, the DRO will proceed LED display test until switch off.

You will need to go through a complete setup, as the defaults may be different, such as the scale types/resolution.
Mark: I'm a bit red faced, looks like I didn't reply to your detailed response or anyone else for that matter, suffice it to say that I did get things corrected as per your instructions and the DRO is working fine!
Bob: I think we all agree that the "Z" axis is what most people think should be the long axis or the spindle axis of the lathe but in this case I'm working with an Easson DRO that uses the "Y" axis so I had to change the cable hook-ups to work with it 'tis what 'tis as they say.

The reason why many DROs (asian import) are labeled X & Y or Y/Z is cause they are universal DROs that can be used for lathes, mills, grinders, etc. Makes more sense for vendors to stock these rather than lathe specific DROs.

I specifically got a lathe specific DRO for my lathe so it's labeled X & Z (kiss). Only difference is lathe specific won't have all the mill specific functions on it so no additional buttons that would be useless on a lathe. Lathe specific DROs will also have a button to quickly switch back & forth from radius & diameter mode (R/D as you know already). Not all universal DROs will have the R/D button but some do, my Easson 12-A on my mill has it but since it's for mill use the R/D function is useless.

So for universal DROs that are used on lathes that don't have the R/D button it really doesn't matter which axes is used for what. I have seen people use the first axis (labeled X) used for the Z axis on a lathe. But if you do have the R/D button, first axis should be used for X (which is proper) since the R/D button only works for the X axis.
